Chapter 584 Rich Girl Becomes Fuck Toy:>Ep1
- Spoilt girl gets put in her place by stepdad and stepbrother
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- Haley was a spoilt girl. At the age of 18 she'd just moved home from her expensive boarding school, waiting to go away to an even more expensive college in the autumn. The boarding school was courtesy of her biological father who'd never wanted anything to do with her, and who'd only met her once. Her mother had been a waitress at his country club. He'd fucked her a couple of times and she'd been stupid enough to think that he'd actually marry her if she got herself pregnant. He wasn't prepared to do any of the sort, but had been very generous to Haley and denied her nothing, in financial terms, in exchange for not having to give her his name or have anything to do with her. The only time they did meet was when Haley got seriously ill as a girl and he was asked to donate bone marrow.